clown face joker

Mako Sharks | Cluemaster | Kanker Sisters | Lorraine Massey | Batman and Harley Quinn: Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Floronic Man Maudeline Everglot | Poppy | Jack Torrance | Your classic clown, the features are very symmetric.

They were inspired by Arthur Fleck's murder against 3 Wall Street men on the subway. Mrs. The smile goes from one end to the other, and it's perfectly in the same spot on the left that it is on the right. Although there is no given explanation of what happened to the riots afterward, it's presumed the Gotham police managed to fight off and stop the riots before taking Arthur into custody, ending the Clowns organization, though it's implied a following is ongoing, praising the Joker for his rebellion. Powers/Skills Lex Luthor (Teen Titans Go!) Freeze | Thomas Elliot, Television

James Gordon, Jr. | He doesn't really know how to make up. Hotel Caretaker | Solomon Grundy | Mad Hatter | Clayface | Black Mask |

Gremlins | Colonel Coetzee |

Gremlins Villains | Phantasm | Roxy Rocket | King Tut | Foundation Type of Villains Roland Daggett | Rodan | The Wonderland Gang | Clowns Mal Cobb | Audrey II | Because it is set in the human environment with no superpowers, that changes things drastically. Catman | Bat Gremlin | Gossamer | Cousin Mel | Key | Joe Cramp | Trenton's Pride | Commanders Trigger an uprising against the rich elites of Gotham City.Prevent Thomas Wayne from running for mayor (both succeeded) Muttley (2020) | Vertigo | Catwoman | He showed us a concept of Joaquin with a clown look and a complementary Joker look to that clown look. Captain Fear | Scarecrow (Batman vs. TMNT) | Mr. Harley Quinn |

I mean, it's really hard, because you can do so much with makeup, but what's behind that makeup is really what makes or breaks it. Lord Henry Blackwood | Two-Face | Lex Luthor | Gambol | Sal Maroni | Ten Eyed Man | Sinestro | So it couldn't be like other Jokers at all, really. Kite Man | | Mr. Swackhammer | Tally Man | Stonekeeper |

Reverse-Flash | Clown Face was approved as part of Unicode 9.0 in 2016 and added to Emoji 3.0 in 2016. For a couple of weeks in August, Joaquin would come to the studio, and I would just sit with him and paint. Captain Poison | & Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Riddler | Clayface | Joker | Mr. Poison Ivy (Lego) | Joe Chill | Andrei Sator | Lady Shiva | Sensei |

Mr. Mr. Chairman | Ruber | Count Grisham | Shere Khan | Ruby Deagle | We'd paint his face with different products, mixing colors, until we nailed what we felt like that's the [clown] look. Mass murderTerrorismDestruction of public propertyVandalismAssault Gearhead | Zarkos | Karl | Joe Chill | Griffin | Darla Dimple | Deadshot | Batman & Robin: Poison Ivy | Mr. Jack the Ripper | Electrocutioner | David Cain | KGBeast |

Planet Master | Crazy Quilt | Batman: Year One: Batman | Commissioner Loeb | Carmine Falcone | Arnold John Flass | Catwoman | Joker Ubu | | Joker (Batman vs. TMNT) | And then we incorporated that design to move over to the Joker. Tom | I won't get the clearance for that. Red Triangle Circus Gang | Slime | Ledermann took some time to talk to SYFY WIRE about the process in the days before Joker hits theaters. Martians (Martian Leader, Martian Ambassador & Martian Girl) | Jerry | Brain Gremlin | Victoria Vinciguerra | North Wind, See Also Monstars | Marvin the Martian |

King Snake | Max Shreck | Bane (Batman vs. TMNT) |

Mister Bloom | Aguila | Thunder Karlsson and Bloom | Mouse Queen |

Leo | IT | Batman: The Animated Series Ruber's Minions | Ra's al Ghul | But I had to create the same exact color and the exact texture, because textures [of makeups] are different. Agent Smith | But Todd wanted it to be simple and not distracting, and yet have the power of the clown makeup that is sad, that is almost vulnerable, but also really creepy as hell at the same time. Rick and Morty Villains | And that's what I felt like, if you put eyebrows on him, you can determine which way you go. Pure Ones | Red Claw | Dr. Julia Hoffman |

Clowns (Joker) (Clown & Ambulance Clown) | King Ghidorah | King of Cats | Floronic Man | The Drowned | Harley Quinn (Lego) | Batman (1989): Joker | Bob Hawkins | Alicia Hunt | Carl Grissom | Max Eckhardt | Vinnie Ricorso | Joe Chill Kludd | Beetlejuice | Priya Singh, Shorts The Grinch | Hugo Strange | Instant Martians | Chuckie Sol | Leviathan | Wolf Pack | Precursors | Crimes

He has no mind of his own, and his sole purpose is anarchy. Vandal Savage | Outsider | Mayor Brown | Evil Organization Bladebeak | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul (Batman vs. TMNT), Ubu (Batman vs. TMNT) & Talia al Ghul (Batman vs. TMNT)) | Seto Kaiba | They also attacked two detectives after fighting amongst them took place before one of the detectives shot and killed a clown, causing him to be brutally assaulted by the crowd of clowns because of what they did. The Joker might be the most iconic villain in comic book history, but he's also the most flexible. Agents (Agent Jones, Agent Brown & Agent Johnson) | Lenny | Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman: Penguin | Bane | Rupert Thorne | Carlton Duquesne Lloyd Ventrix | Scarecrow | Cornelius Stirk | Demons | Ezekial Gallows | Bowers Gang (Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Belch Huggins & Vic Criss) | Grant Frost | Joker (2019) General Ulysses Armstrong | Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: Lex Luthor | Major Force | Metallo | Amanda Waller | Toyman | Solomon Grundy | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Lady Shiva | Giganta | Mongul | Captain Cold Freeze | Man-Bat | Ventriloquist and Scarface | Roland Daggett | Clock King | Bane | Hugo Strange | Lloyd Ventrix | Kyodai Ken | Baby Doll | Emile Dorian | Red Claw | Boss Biggis | Sewer King | Talia al Ghul | Maxie Zeus | Lock-Up | Professor Milo | Count Vertigo | Daniel Mockridge | Grant Walker, The Batman Gotham City Police Department | Butch Bowers | Leopard Seal | Like Comic-Con.

Then you have to make sure you don't put them perfectly next to each other. Robot Chicken Villains | Composite Superman | Cheswick | Joker | Their mutiny eventually triggers widespread riots and causes the deaths of many rich people, including Thomas Wayne and his wife. Joker (Lego) | Court of Owls | Goals Stan Beals | Steven Universe Villains | Mr. George | Harry Potter Villains | Velociraptors (Lego) | Daffy Duck | Dusty | MotivationEvasionMarksmanshipDestructiveness Terrible Trio | Humpty Dumpty |

Scooby-Doo Villains | Freeze | Dark Archer | The Meg | Ernie Chubb | Joker's Daughter | 道化師(どうけし、中国語:小丑)または道化(どうけ)は、滑稽な格好、行動、言動などをして他人を楽しませる者の総称。大道芸やサーカスのクラウン (clown)かピエロ (から派生フランス語: pierrot)、中世ヨーロッパの宮廷道化師 (jester)、歌舞伎の道化方、幇間など、世界各地にさまざまな形がある。, 「クラウン」は派手な衣装と化粧をし、サーカスなどに登場するコメディアンである。日本では「ピエロ」と呼ばれることも多いが、ピエロはクラウンの一種である。こうしたもののステレオタイプな例は、マクドナルドのイメージキャラクター「ドナルド・マクドナルド」や、バットマンのジョーカーなどにみることができる。また、フランスなどにおけるピエロの起源は、16世紀イタリア即興喜劇コメディア・デラルテに登場するプルチネッラとする説がある。, このほか、フール(fool)、ブッフォン(buffon)、アルレッキーノ(アルルカン、ハーレクイン)など道化師を指す言葉はさまざまある。英語のフールは「ふいご」、ブッフォンは「パッと息を吐く」を意味する言葉を語源とする[1]。クラウンは、clod(土の塊)、clot(ぬるぬるした塊)などを意味する語から派生して無骨な田舎者をも表すようになり、それが都会人には滑稽に見えたところから「滑稽な人」を指す言葉となった[1]。アルレッキーノは上述のコメディア・デラルテに登場する定番の道化師で、快活なアルレッキーノに対する内気な相手役として登場するのが、ピエロの語源と言われるプルチネッラ(ピエロット、ペドロリーノ)である[1]。また、一般に宮廷道化師と訳されるジェスター(jester)は、フランス語のgest(偉業)を語源とし、宮廷人に英雄譚を語り聞かせた者から派生した[1]。, 道化師の歴史は古代エジプトまで遡ることができる。西洋においては、古代ギリシャ・古代ローマでは物まねや軽口、大食芸などで座を楽しませることで裕福な家の晩餐に与る道化がいた[1]。ローマ帝国の裕福な家では、魔除けとして、小人や知恵遅れ、奇形などを奴隷にもつ習慣があり、これらを「愚者」としてペット感覚で所有する貴族趣味は16世紀末まで続いた[1]。中世のヨーロッパなどでは、特権階級にある人物が城内に道化としての従者を雇っていたことが確認されており、「宮廷道化師」と呼ばれている。その数は14世紀より徐々に増加して15-16世紀に最高潮に達し、中世の英国においては宗教界・俗界問わず大物は道化を所有しており、居酒屋や女郎屋でも所有した[1]。宮廷道化師達の肖像は犬と一緒に描かれることが多く、彼らが犬と同様に王の持ち物とされていたことを裏付けている。シェイクスピアの戯曲などにもしばしば登場し、重要な役を担う。日本では明治時代に初めて曲芸を行った。, 宮廷道化師の仕事は、その名の通りの主人または周囲の人物達を楽しませる役割を担っていた。また、宮廷道化師達は小人症などの肉体的障害を持っているものが多く、笑い物としての対象にされていた。しかし、君主に向かって無礼なことでも自由にものを言うことができる唯一の存在でもあった。曲芸よりは冗談やジョークを言う芸風を主とする道化師である。, また、その職業的な役割(君主の機嫌取り:君主の感情を操れること)から、国家間の紛争における仲介(連絡)者や、行政と民の中立な立場で世間の風評を演技(表現:意見)する等、オンブズマン (Ombudsman) としての役割も果たしていた説が有る。, トランプでよく登場するジョーカーはジャック、クィーン、キングが宮廷の王族を意味する絵柄から関連して宮廷道化師が描かれることが多い。, 現在では曲芸と曲芸の間の「間(ま)」を埋めて観客の曲芸への余韻を冷めさせない役目として作られたおどけ役の、曲芸もでき司会(日本的な視点では客いじりも行う)もする役者である。18世紀頃イギリスのサーカス(サーカスの前身である円形の劇場での曲馬ショー)の中で「おどけ役」を演じていた役者が自らのことを「クラウン」と名乗ったのがクラウンの始まりだとされている。クラウンの意味にはのろま、ばか、おどけ者、おどける、ふざける、田舎ものなどの意味を含む。18世紀当時は曲馬ショーと曲馬ショーとの間に曲馬乗りを下手に演じたり、パロディをしたりしていた。, クラウン自体はおどけ役だがその中でも馬鹿にされる人と言われる。つまりクラウンよりもさらに馬鹿にされる芸風(日本的な視点ではツッコミが無いボケ役)を行う[要出典]。クラウンとピエロの細かい違いはメイクに涙マークが付くとピエロになる。涙のマークは馬鹿にされながら観客を笑わせているがそこには悲しみを持つという意味を表現したものであるとされる[要出典]。またピエロはフランスの喜劇芝居の中に登場する事が多い[要出典]。, 奇抜な風貌のために、ピエロに対して極端な恐怖心を持つ道化恐怖症(ピエロ恐怖症)も近年[いつ?

Victim Syndicate | Onomatopoeia | Mayor Phlegmming | They are a massive movement of people which wear clown masks on their faces, aiming to instigate an anarchist mutiny against the rich and the powerful population. Spinel | Salvatore Maroni | Poison Ivy |

Arthur Fleck is a poorly employed street clown at the start of the movie, spinning signs in front of a furniture store on a grimy Times Square street, trying and failing to lure people into a liquidation sale. Scrappy-Doo | Mrs. Prysselius | Red Death | Lord Coward | Artemisia | Hanna-Barbera Cinematic Universe Villains | Lethal Weapons Villains | Because, clearly, Joker is creepy as hell, and he's dangerous, and you don't want to mess with that guy. Arthur Slugworth | Mr. Igoe | Slade (Teen Titans Go!) This caused an uproar because everyone saw it as the people fighting against the rich, causing outrage against Thomas Wayne. That stuff is supernatural, and it always stays the same.

It can't smear, so I had to use a lot of different products — waterproof, or water-based, or greasy, or a combination of it all.

Merrymaker | Cartoon Network Villains | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Tabaqui | Batman Ninja: Joker | Harley Quinn | Catwoman | Gorilla Grodd | Bane | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Deathstroke | Two-Face Witches (Grand High Witch, Susan Irvine, Nicola Cuttle, Pamela, Lois Leffour, Mildred, Elizabeth, Henrietta, Jacqueline & Beatrice) | Barsad |

A classic circus or birthday clown.

Lawrence Van Dough | Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: Batman | Joker | Mutant Leader | Ellen Yindel | Harvey Dent | Selina Kyle The Clown Prince of Crime is like a Rorschach blot for storytellers, his makeup and costume so frequently shifting based on the tone, era, and purpose of the tale in which he is undoubtedly tormenting unsuspecting citizens. Pokemon Villains | Stone Generals (Gato & Mono) | Shao Kahn | It couldn't be perfect, and it had to smear, and it had to move. Bob Smith |

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