Consequently, they met, and apparently reached an agreement that was sealed with a handshake: the Gentiles would be accepted. peter in Rome was started long after he had died so it is just a fancy rumor. Also, in 1 Peter 5:13 it states “The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you; and so doth Marcus my son.” This verse seems to imply that at the time that Peter wrote this letter, around 60-63 AD, he was in Babylon, in what is today Iraq, if one is to take Babylon in its literal sense. Never a Catholic Bishop. Just forming such a religious system would have taken many more years again, just in the building of the mega-structures of Vatican City alone. of the apostles, and the one who on account of his virtue was the speaker for all the others, to Rome against this great corrupter (Simon Magus, an imposter) of life. Artists have rightfully been captivated by the final embrace between Christian brothers as each goes off to give the ultimate testimony of their earthly life. But then, when the more hardcore Jewish delegates sent by James arrive in Antioch, Peter changes his mind. However, when it comes to believers in Jesus Christ, the lukewarm are spit out. The Bible does not say Peter was NOT in Rome. From the gospels’ account, we know that Peter was somewhat weak in character (surely not everything that is detailed about Peter in the gospels is true, but they do present an accurate appraisal of his personality). So it can’t be used either way: to prove he was or he wasn’t. William, the only document that ‘might’ be accurate would be the first. Thus was he removed from the world, and went into the holy place, having proved himself a striking example of patience. In fact, we know from other pieces of evidence (most notably a text known as the Shepherd of Hermas), that as late as the mid-2nd Century AD, there were multiple bishops in Rome. As a Coptic Christian, we’ve always believed that St. Peter never preached in Rome. His brother Andrew, and friend Philip (both disciples) were from the town and had Greek names. Greek was spoken in and around the north shore of the Lake. By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. In other words, it’s pure fantasy. When it was excavated in the 1950s, archaeologists were shocked to find that there was no grave and no bones under the tropaion. Matthew also issued among the Hebrews a written Gospel in their own language, while Peter and Paul were evangelizing in Rome and laying the foundation of the Church. As for Paul, Acts also narrates that he wound up in Rome, though it makes no mention of martyrdom. Yet ironically you cannot attend a church service today without some type of tie-in about Paul…all because he claimed to have seen Jesus in the flesh.
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