what to do on the first day of school for students

Not interested in your rules? I have been reading all of it and even though I have been teaching general and choral music for 20 years, I see so many areas I can improve! I think it’s always best to get started learning on the very first day. You’ll do great. and get exactly that from your students. Your initial friendliness and open, welcoming heart will put them at ease and spark an immediate desire to please you, follow your lead, and pay forward your kindness throughout the classroom. Back to School Read Alouds with Free Printables, Free Reading Centers and Games for Launching Reading Centers, 1 Comment | Filed Under: Back to School, Classroom Management and Organization, Holidays. 7. Hoffman, a longtime educator and North Carolina’s Southeast Region Teacher of the Year in 2019, provided a glimpse at what parents and students can expect on the first day back on campus. This year, as I implement this plan, I know it will be hardest for the 8th grade students to adjust to the changes. They are used to talking too much (and I’ve been doing all the wrong things to get them to stop!). I’m sharing this in class tomorrow. Let go of the what-ifs and the negative trains of thought. Be sure, however, that it’s spot-on—high interest, participatory, leaving no doubt as to what you want your students to know and to do. It’s key to not only their motivation and attentiveness and instilling a love for learning, but it also affords you the leverage and influential presence to ask for and expect hard work, respect, and kind behavior . I look forward the receiving the updates by email! Copy these back and front and let the students choose which ones to complete, or have them do both. I read your book. It’s a mistake, though, to assume that because they’re important, you have to be perfect. She said that most of the teachers here don’t jump into academics the first week, and the students don’t expect it. Required fields are marked *. For a lasting first impression will set the tone for the rest of the school year. Can you apply a consequence you haven’t had time to explain? Establish from the get-go that your classroom is in the business of learning by diving into a challenging academic lesson (or two or three) on the first day of school. I recommend that you spend some time in our archive, starting in the Classroom Management Plan category and going from there. In this way, your natural, influence-building charisma will shine through. Copyright © 2020 Jennifer Findley  •  All rights reserved  •  Site Design by Emily White Designs. Back to School Read Alouds for Upper Elementary {FREE Printables}, Classroom Management Tips for Upper Elementary, Engaging Reading Interest Survey Activity {Free}. Whether it’s a getting to know you game, a rollicking story of your youth, or just your everyday humor, be sure your students see, and experience, that being in your classroom also means having fun. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! But it’s also vital to think about how you can get to know your students those first few weeks. And most students love word searches and crossword puzzles. Let go of the performancism. Having a task for students to do right when they come in definitely helps with the nerves and jitters for both the teacher and the students. Want a first day of school morning work activity that is super easy for the students to complete? I have a tough question for you (though you’re used to it I guess!). Can you apply it to 10 students at the same time? Take a long, slow, deep breath and exhale it all out into the ether, saying goodbye forever. Click here and begin receiving classroom management articles like this one in your email box every week. You’re going to promise them that you will protect their special community, that you will protect their right to learn and enjoy school. That’s wonderful, Lauren! Welcome friends! Your email address will not be published. The first day of high school is full of excitement and nerves for students and teachers alike. Their success understanding and then performing your first academic objective is crucial to their confidence going forward, setting the stage for limitless improvement. Thanks! Here’s a great first day of school idea by Christina, a 2nd Grade Teacher in Murrieta, CA, that gets students thinking right away!

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