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what if saruman had gotten the ring

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Chief among the powers of the ring that were feared by the White Council was the fact that if Sauron put it on now, all that had been done by the Wise using the three rings would be revealed to him, as would their minds, if they did not take off the rings. With possession of the one ring he would have replaced Sauron (would have wiped him out entirely). For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Sauron was not a run of the mill foe and an ordinary blade wielded by an ordinary man would not have sufficed. A capable bearer would have all that power, plus whatever native power he or she had to begin with. cbr.com - Blake Hawkins 14h. Today we jump back in time to one of our older videos at one of our What If scenarios! These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The Mystics, believing the Stranger is Sauron, tell him he must go to Rhn to fully explore his powers. I recall the Narsil having been forged by the elves, using elvish magic. By Luka Glavas / February 5, 2022. He also had control of the nine kings and such or was supposed to, although didn't Elrond get a ring yet was present at the battle? He fought Uruk-hai (who had captured Merry and Pippin thinking they were Frodo) and were enroute to Isengard. But it will still never truly be his & he will have to continually fight to dominate it as the One Ring wants to return to its master, who cannot be banished until the Ring is destroyed. He easily would have had mastery over the ring itself. It has been suggested that the reason why Saruman lost access to magic after the . Sauron may not learn the true goal of the Ringbearer but he would know that the ringbearer was most likely near or nearing his borders. In Tolkiens work, Saruman went to Rhn, shortly after he arrived in Middle-earth, in factjust like the Stranger. There would have been no need to send an army; this would have been a one-on-one contest in Orthanc. The greatest act of disobedience in LOTR had possibly the greatest consequences which in the end saved the Quest of the Ring and saved Middle-Earth that being Eomer's act of disobedience. Are there tables of wastage rates for different fruit and veg? . Then Sauron would have had the ring again and either he'd keep Saruman as a servant or just get rid of him for trying to be his equal. The White Wizard truly believed that he could resist both the dark lord's power and then, when in possession of it, the lure of the Ring of Power. Saruman was a wizard and warlord, in a fortress controlled by himself, garrisoned by orcs and men, and separated from Mordor by regions which were not Sauron-friendly. And hes got a considerable stronghold and force of arms with which to hold off Saurons forces until he can learn to use it. Saruman is my favorite figure of all time . I think Saruman would have kept the Ring and used its real and symbolic powers to contest with Sauron for control over Middle-earth by building up his own empire. If any artists would like us to remove their artwork, or add anything additional to credit you, please contact us and we will sort it straight away! Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Gandalf wasn't even sure if he would be able to break his staff in The Return of the King, and that was a very weakened version of Saruman. Well? **, And this kind of begs the question - What had been done with the three? He still had the nine, and perhaps some of the seven. He eventually became the leader of the Istari because of all of them, he had most studied the devices of Sauron of old. In other words, he learned about dark magic and Ringlore and knew the enemy the best of the Istari. Basically it took a super-human with a super-sword to chop the ring off of Sauron's hand and he only did that with a lucky hit. Opens in new tab Opens in new tab Opens in new tab. There would have been one less Peter Jackson movie. Lots of great, exclusive content, even discounts on our original merch! The Rings of Power finale took viewers on a ride with solved mysteries, reunions, and goodbyes. When given the opportunity It would betray Its wearer, and find Its way back to Its Master. By this Tolkien shows that disobedience for good reasons has merit. He also had control of the nine kings and such or was supposed to, although didn't Elrond get a ring yet was present at the battle? Lucky hit or not, he was vulnerable to a mere sword with no great magical ability or anything displayed that showed the ring as some huge magnifier of magical ability. Please message us if we have not credited you! It didn't have to shoot out lighting bolts to be an uber blade. Tolkien says in Letter 246 that the Ring is not only comparable to "a devastating weapon" (which Frodo doesn't know how to use) but also to "an object of terror in their religious cult, by which they had been conditioned to treat one who wielded it with servility". Without Rohan and Gondor, humans would be . In Rivendell, Frodo all but offers the Ring to Aragorn, saying Then it belongs to you, and not to me at all! (FOTR260). This mod, although it doesn't add a new staff to the game, creates a unique design for all of the Skyrim staves. For these reasons, Tolkien tells us, the Nazgul (powerful though they were) would have hesitated to attack Frodo directly, after Frodo finally claimed the Ring for his own. We see this happening when Frodo claims the Ring at the Crack of Doom, and there's no reason to think it would be different for Saruman. When Sauron was in Dol Guldur, he lay dormant most of the time. Come join us to discuss the works of Tolkien. " The Hunt for the Ring " is a chapter in Unfinished Tales, a posthumously published work of J.R.R. I think people project a kind of loaded weapon mentality onto the rings which is misleading. It basically lets them look unique according to their enchantment. Frodo was a hobbit with one companion, in the heart of Sauron's realm. There was a Winged Nazgul operating near the area as well on the other side of the Anduin and thus closer to Frodo. See Palantr Wikipedia . What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery? Saruman would have made a tasty little morsel for Sauron. Ar Pharazon the Golden defeated Sauron, before he lost the ring, and he was just a Numenorean. I imagine it'd be a similar situation as if Gandalf or Saruman got The Ring. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Still, this is a point to consider. In the case of vague powers the One Ring would enhance one's powers based on one's strengths. Had Isuldur done the wise thing, and pitched that sucker in the crack of doom, that would have been it. If Saruman destroyed Sauron If he won, he would become a great L. What would have happened if the Balrog of Moria had taken possession of The One Ring? That he will never do now." Saruman with the Ring would presumably have tried to do what Tolkien says Galadriel or Gandalf might have done, if they have succumbed to the temptation of accepting the Ring: Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? The images have been re-edited so I hope you enjoy! Gil Galad, and the last alliance also defeated Sauron, without the help of the Maiar, as well. When Gandalf sent Frodo and the Hobbits to Bree in The Lord of the Rings' opening act, he had the fullest intent of meeting them there. However, Saruman had planned his rise to power much earlier than that. The Lord of the Rings doesnt have plot holes. Is Gandalf the Gray's power actually limited or did he merely promise to not use it? -----Also check out our other channels!The 6th Ranger - (For all things Power Rangers! By the time we meet Saruman in The Lord of the Rings, hes up to no good. Saruman himself is not directly involved, and only appears again in chapter 10, The Voice of Saruman, by which time he is trapped in Orthanc. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You are using an out of date browser. If Saruman's Uruks had been successful and he had taken possession of the One Ring, how would have things turned out differently in Middle-earth? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Saruman used the seeing stones(palintir) to keep up with Sauron, as did Boromirs Father (name slips me now), Sarumaon would be no more than a snivinling fool of Sauron. As Istari, they were to exhort the free peoples of the world in preparation for a possible future conflict with Sauron. Saruman didn't know what Gandalf wanted to say, but he could guess. When he saw Aragorn marching on the Black Gate, he was afraid. The Uruk-hai capture Frodo and Sam at Amon Hen, thus Saruman gains possession of the most powerful of the Rings of Power, which carries in it, a greater part of Sauron's inherent might. We dont know any details about his activities in Rhn or his other easterly travels. If we have not credited an artist, it is because we could not find an owner of the art. At the beginning of the story, Saruman is more powerful than Gandalf. The Witch-king of Angmar was the leader of the Nazgl, or Ringwraiths, and the right-hand man of Sauron through much of the Second and Third Ages of . But he didn't because Eomer disobeyed his king and destroyed an orc band that had the most crucial thing needed by both Saruman and Sauron - information. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? But he didn't because Eomer disobeyed his king and destroyed an orc band that had the most crucial thing needed by both Saruman and Sauron - information. Also there is the forest of Fangorn between them I think. Sauron was much the stronger, but a lot of his power is in the ring. Saruman Secretly Forged His Own Ring of Power in The Lord of the Rings. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Indeed, Saruman needed no ring to become enslaved. Was the "Eye of Sauron" Sauron's actual physical form? It may not display this or other websites correctly. But eventually the Ring would subvert their efforts and bring about evil. The One Ring has a number of powers and depending on what information (particularly regarding the Middle Earth RPG) you will get very vague to very specific capabilties for the One Ring. Saruman in the Shire: how long had he been planning it? - his malice and domination, or something like that. What would have happened if Saruman had gotten the One Ring? When Gandalf meets Saruman in Orthanc, he notices that Saruman is wearing a ring. In those, Saruman appears to harness the weather to command the snowstorm on the pass of Caradhras that dramatically halts the progress of the Fellowship. We know of his ultimate betrayal against Middle-earth, maybe especially against his fellow Wizards and the Valar. We'll pick u. Whether he judged correctly is another matter, but I would expect it to be a contest. Privacy Policy. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be acquitted of everything despite serious evidence? Although he never appears directly in the books and is only shown in the movies in a flashback to the War of the Last Alliance, his corruptive influence is felt nearly everywhere in Middle-Earth. A couple of points to add to the excellent arguments thus far: This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Heck, the great among the Elves, or even Aragorn, were considered very credible threats by Sauron. [ST:TNG] The First Duty what if there had been no accident? Their power was in preserving and healing the hurts done to the earth, and to those who were harmed by evil. Two Maiar duking it out at their full strength would have brought ruin to much of Middle-earth, and that was exactly what the Valar had hoped to avoid in the first place. Gandalf found out that Saruman had abandoned his mission when the White Wizard asked him to join forces with Sauron. Saruman had an opportunity to take a Ring of Power, but didn't. Was the ring more risk than it was worth? Many of the vague abilities listed above are also part and parcel to those abilities listed below. The Ring merely corrupted you, it did not control you. The heroes in The Lord of the Rings did everything to keep the One Ring away from Sauron, but what would have happened if Saruman had gotten it? His actions were more indirect as his decision was of non-action in not taking Frodo to Minas Tirith. Gandalf & Galadriel admitted they would eventually fall to evil will of Sauron through the One Ring. Unfortunately, Sauron had got on the wrong side of a particularly powerful race: the Nmenreans.The isle of Nmenr was a realm of men that sat apart from Middle-earth and those who lived there were more powerful than the men seen elsewhere in The Lord of . In the books it is mentioned several times that Sauron fears one of the uber good guys getting hold of the Ring. Gil Galad, and the last alliance also defeated Sauron, without the help of the Maiar, as well. There's the slight possibility that Saruman would have given the One Ring to Sauron and served as lieutenant to the most powerful being in Middle-earth. (Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age, The Silmarillion as far as the quoted material here goes). He will likely go through some things, but that would mean the Gandalf we meet in the Second Age is largely the same as the Gandalf in the Third Age. As was made quite clear at the Council of Elrond, as long as the Ring existed Sauron could not fully be destroyed. The Lord of the Rings (LOTR) by J. R. R. Tolkien is one of the greatest and most famous epic fantasy series in English literature. It may not display this or other websites correctly. This is what Sauron feared that his enemies would do, if they got the Ring; and that's the only reason he feared them. Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? The key thing to note is that Sauron, by the time of the War of the Ring, lacked the ability to take a. I would not be too sure that Sauron would be the victor, as Saruman spent long years in study of ring-lore. Did Aragorn ever offer the ring to Frodo? It's a good question. Telchar, an uber Dwarven smith who lived in the first age, forged Narsil. Saruman probably would have become the dominant power in Middle Earth and turned it into a pretty crappy place to live. Sauron then spends the rest of his life torturing Saruman for daring to try and take the ring for himself. As Sauron once was, Saruman, a Maia of Aule, became absorbed in Ring-lore as he studied Sauron's evil works. )https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCScfG2CfbSh_LUzkGJ_p-aAHistory of Dragon Ball - (For all things Dragon Ball! Like the Valar He was created in the Beginning. On the surface, Saruman seems like one of the simplest Lord of the Rings characters to define. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! Other powerul magic users such as Galadriel, Gandalf & Saruman can use the Ring to increase their power as that is what it was forged by Sauron to do, but it will never truly be completely under their will because Sauron's evil will already exists in the Ring. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Sauron originally made the One Ring to enhance his ability to influence and suppress or control the wills of other beings, specifically the Children of Ilvatar (Elves, Dwarves, and Men). The Ring still wants to be with its true master. What would have happened if Saruman had gotten his hands on the One Ring? I'm no Tolkien expert but I assume there would have been a great war between Isengard and Mordor, which would have affected all parts of Middle Earth. That is, however, a legitimate concern when entering any fight: any weaponry you wield may be captured and used against you. How long before Sauron wrung out the truth from Saruman? It was never explained how, but the Elves found a way to block Saurons sight from their Rings. https://www.patreon.com/thebrokensword-----Also if you want to support in a different way then check out our Teespring page where we upload original designs for our merch! Instead of sending armies out to take Minas Tirith, Sauron would have had the majority of his forces concentrated on his borders and sweeping the land in front of it with orcs, men, trolls, and Nazgul. Ultimately, we dont know who the Stranger is, aside from being an Istar, or a wizard. What happens next? It would have been the master in the end. 3 Why didnt Gandalf use the giant eagles? Anybody else who bore it (non-stop) would eventually be drawn to him, where he would get the Ring back. RELATED: Thranduil Was a Jerk - But Lord of the Rings' Only Dark Elf Was Actually Evil. He could turn invisible and go slowly crazy, which seem to be the width of the one ring's powers. Sauron would also realize the captured Halflings did not have the Ring so all the doubt surrounding Aragorn having it would be absent. The Eye of Sauron is one of the most iconic symbols associated with J.R.R. Nazgul were formidable opponants, under the right circumstances. This moment was part of an overall mistake, and they could be wrong about this observation, too. The implication is that Saruman has to defeat Sauron. Did she think she could have avoided being drawn to Sauron if she did seize the Ring? Who is more popular Leonardo DiCaprio or Tom Cruise? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. My own feeling is that since it takes time to learn to master the Ring (also Letter 246), Sauron would have had to pay a visit immediately and before Saruman had the time to achieve this mastery. Saruman would have made a tasty little morsel for Sauron. In the appendices it mentions the three assaults on Lorien, during the final days of the struggle. Sauron was stronger than Gandalf the Grey, but . He reasoned that his total control of Middle . Saruman has his own glorious rise to power before falling to ruin. Furthermore, Saruman knows more about ring-lore than any other being in Middle Earth at the time, save only Sauron himself, and he had already made himself a minor ring, so he would learn how to use it quickly. Would the One Ring even work for anyone but Sauron? the scene in which Gandalf, say, was placed in such a position. For all things Tolkien, Lord of The Rings, and The Hobbit Press J to jump to the feed. . Which routine is best for gaining muscle? Saruman with the Ring would presumably have tried to do what Tolkien says Galadriel or Gandalf might have done, if they have succumbed to the temptation of accepting the Ring: "they would have built up an empire with great and absolutely subservient generals and armies and engines of war, until they could challenge Sauron and destroy him by force." What If SARUMAN managed to get his hands on the One Ring and how that effects all events afterwards! Nori even said in the finale that the Stranger was there to help. JavaScript is disabled. (OK, just a Numenorean with the largest army and navy in all of history.) She's an Elf, So Has a Very Long Lifespan. Well what DID the Ring do for Sauron? After that, in the Undying Lands, Sauron was more powerful. On February 26, 3019 Eomer, Third Marshal of the Riddermark, set out against orders from his king to hunt an orc band coming from the east. Cookie Notice I also assume that Sauron would have eventually won the war. Why Did Eru Give Men The Gift Of Death And Not to The Elves too? Gandalf found out that Saruman had abandoned his mission when the White Wizard asked him to join forces with Sauron. Saruman had full control of his army, which is why the Hobbits were being brought to him (because they maybe had the ring), instead of immediately to Sauron (who at the time of their capture, they were much closer to). Answer (1 of 3): In short: nobody else could use it against him. *shrugs*. Feel free to contact him by email at hawkins.blake12@gmail.com, or find him on Facebook. That he will never do now.".

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what if saruman had gotten the ring