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which of the following describes situational communication competence

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The abbreviation L1 refers to someones native language. may produce texts independently for personal and academic purposes. Often students may be able to process advanced cognitive tasks and yet not be able to express those understandings in the second language. Cultural competency. themes, concepts, genre, characters, and so on. Describe situational monitoring techniques. Leaders must adapt to the situation . TeamSTEPPS Overview Presentation, AHRQ also offers an on-line course in TeamSTEPPS for create change teams within a primary care practice. Which of the following is NOT a method of nonverbal communication? Here we trace the role of anthropologist Edward T. Hall in founding the scholarly field of intercultural communication during the 1951-1955 period when he was at the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. Department of States.. What two primary characteristics distinguish different migrant groups? When did the field of intercultural communication begin in the United States? 2023 Loyola University Chicago Nonverbal congruence refers to consistency among different nonverbal expressions within a cluster. For example, think about the times we have heard an adult language learner say, I can read German, but I cant speak it at all. Likewise, some ELLs may have stronger listening and speaking skills, while others might be stronger writers but not as strong when it comes to speaking. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (2006). People can develop cognitive competence by observing and evaluating the actions of others. Which of the following is the goal of Alexia's communication with Mrs. Philips? Avoid overly aggressive touch, especially when disguised as playful touch (e.g., horseplay taken too far). Since infringements on others territory can arouse angry reactions and even lead to violence (think of the countless stories of neighbors fighting over a fence or tree), be sensitive to territorial markers. Regarding the previous examples, we will learn more about paraphrasing in Chapter 5 Listening, conflict management in Chapter 6 Interpersonal Communication Processes, and deception in Chapter 4 Nonverbal Communication. But displaying the thumb or thumbs while the rest of the hand is in the pocket is a signal of a dominant or authoritative attitude. However, this is not the same thing as chronic suspicion, which would not indicate communication competence. Which of the following statements best describes the effect that communication has on our physical wellbeing? Logically, early humans who were more successful at mirroring were more likely to secure food, shelter, and security and therefore passed that genetic disposition on down the line to us. Facial expressions. Conversely, people who have interpersonal trust issues and people in occupations like law enforcement may also have a lie bias, meaning they assume people are lying to them more often than not (Andersen, 1999). Since this book focuses on communication in the real world, strategies for developing communication competence are not only limited to this section. Developing literacy in second-language learners: Report of the National Literacy Panel on language-minority children and youth. A lack of communication and social relationships can case a range of physical and mental illnesses. A review of many studies of deception indicates that increased eye blinking is associated with deception, probably because of heightened arousal and cognitive activity (Andersen, 1999). When we combine these terms, we get the following definition: communication competence refers to the knowledge of effective and appropriate communication patterns and the ability to use and adapt that knowledge in various contexts (Cooley & Roach, 1984). communicate in English in new or unfamiliar settings. Journaling (keeping a private journal in which you write down your feelings and thoughts with the intention that only you will read it) is an example of a. dyadic communication. List some nonverbal skills that you think are important in each of the following contexts: academic, professional, personal, and civic. Each will be defined below. 1 / 26. . The use of body language and objects to convey meaning to messages c. A process of offering advice and suggestions and relating similar experiences d. PreK12 English language proficiency standards. Translanguaging with multilingual students. One way for students to obtain sufficient amounts of written input is through pleasure reading, whether in L1 or L2. Which of the following is NOT true of communication in the health care? Characteristics of Communicative Competence This phenomenon is known as mirroring, which refers to the often subconscious practice of using nonverbal cues in a way that match those of others around us. You are talking with your professor or boss. Mottet, T. P., Steven A. Beebe, Paul C. Raffeld, and Michelle L. Paulsel, The Effects of Student Verbal and Nonverbal Responsiveness on Teachers Liking of Students and Willingness to Comply with Student Requests, Communication Quarterly 52, no. These four domains can be classified as receptive or productive skills and as oral or written. The first guideline for decoding nonverbal communication is to realize that there is no nonverbal dictionary. Think of a time when you were struggling in school/academic setting and could not hand in an assignment. Situational interview questions focus on how you'll handle real-life scenarios you may encounter in the workplace and how you've handled similar situations in previous roles. . Write one problem on the index card and place in envelope. The other is given paper and crayons. Instead, it depends on which type of leadership and strategies are best-suited to the task. Avoid hurtful touches and apologize if they occur, even if accidentally. In short, lying isnt easy, as it requires us to go against social norms and deviate from our comfortable and familiar communication scripts that we rely on for so much of our interaction. What do they mean in the real-life context of the busy classroom? This perspective views bilinguals and multilinguals not as possessing two or more autonomous language systems, but as users of a unitary linguistic repertoire where they sort and select whatever resources are needed to make meaning and to communicate with others. To assist you with the pronunciation of many foreign names, visit How to Say that Name.com. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like It is accurate to say that Situational Leadership II (SLII) is primarily a. Descriptive b. Prescriptive c. Well supported by research d. Trait related, Which of the following statements best describes Situational Leadership? But you have to be prepared to put in the time to improve; for example, it takes effort to become a better listener or to give better feedback. Defining Competence. The key is to consider students first languages and cultures as resources to be tapped into and built upon. Those were my ideas. A job interview. This knowledge of their first language (L1) will greatly enhance their opportunities to learn English. Examples are provided in Figure 2.6. How can you see this concept applying to your life? Reading Online, 7(2). Select if they are true or false. Listening. The way we stand, the distance between our listeners and us, the looks on our faces, and our tone of voice all influence the manner and content of our communication. What communication concept has appealed to you most so far? Intercultural communication competence (ICC) is the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in various cultural contexts. Kern (2000) developed a broad conceptual framework for understanding language proficiency that includes three dimensions of academic literacy: linguistic, cognitive, and sociocultural. As students navigate through the process of becoming competent users of English, educators awareness of their location along the language learning continuum can help them better address the students needs and build on their strengths. Alexia, a medical assistant, explains to Mrs. Philips that the medication is to be taken once a day with a full glass of water. Not everyone has the same athletic, musical, or intellectual ability. For example, people engaging in negative critical evaluation of a speaker may cross their legs, cross one arm over their stomach, and put the other arm up so the index finger is resting close to the eye while the chin rests on the thumb (Pease & Pease, 2004). The United States falls into this general category, but there are people who were socialized into these norms who as individuals deviate from them and touch more and stand closer to others while conversing. Specifically, this module will address the Communication and Situational Monitoring pillars of TeamSTEPPS. Most English language learners are very familiar with at least one other language and have an intuitive understanding of how language and texts work. Norton, B. They took the bus. and Texas at http://ipsi.utexas.edu/EST/files/standards/ELPS/ELPS.pdf Chapter 2: Language Proficiency and Communicative Competence by Gisela Ernst-Slavit and Joy Egbert is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. When we cant shift our bodies, we often use coats, bags, books, or our hands to physically separate or block off the front of our bodies from others. Be aware of the physical attractiveness bias, which leads people to sometimes mistakenly equate attractiveness with goodness (Hargie, 2011). Secondary education: Teaching in the bilingual situation. Take deep breaths. Likewise, as we become more experienced communicators we tend to think that we become better at interpreting nonverbal messages. This knowledge helps the communicator know what to communicate and, more important, how, when, and where to communicate something. Although these four domains are interrelated, they can develop at different rates and independently of one another. Robert N. Bostrom (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1984), 259. Behaviors mistakenly linked to deception include longer response times, slower speech rates, decreased eye contact, increased body movements, excessive swallowing, and less smiling. Become a higher self-monitor, which means start to notice your communication more. There is an intimate relationship among language, culture, identity, and cognition. Adapted from Bilingual books: Promoting literacy and biliteracy in the second-language and mainstream classroom by G. Ernst-Slavit and M. Mulhern. According to this theory, the most effective leaders are those that are able to adapt their style to the situation and look at cues such as the type of task, the . Keep this in mind the next time you take your seat at a meeting. On the other hand, although there are numerous rules and norms associated with nonverbal communication, we rarely receive explicit instruction on how to do it. Apply the concepts we are learning to your life and find ways to make this class help you achieve your goals. Communicative competence involves more than linguistic or grammatical competence. Aside from nonverbal cues, also listen for inconsistencies in or contradictions between statements, which can also be used to tell when others are being deceptive. Antonio, youve been absent for two days. A) nontraditional media. To make sure someone is available for interaction and to avoid being perceived as rude, it is usually a good idea to catch their eye before you start talking to them. Students progress through the stages of language proficiency at different rates: some acquire nativelike competency in 7 years, some may take 10 years, while others may never reach that level. Reproduced with permission. Communication competence is needed in order to understand communication ethics, to develop cultural awareness, to use computer-mediated communication, and to think critically.

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which of the following describes situational communication competence