My head was telling me I was looking in different directions, but my eyes just registered the same thing. [[weather]]\n<
Of course, it is also a great source of insight all by itself.\n! For one, when I can keep a dream diary, then I may have fair reason to believe that the bridge between the two 'islands of perception' is stronger than it is now, and that I am able to strengthen it further, and for two, attempting to dream diarise may in itself reinforce the bridge (and I hope it will).\nSo.
*classification of tasks:\n**measurable/unmeasurable - if measurable provide a progress gauge\n**priority - higher priority tasks get done first/more\n**size - make sure the task can be split into manageable chunks\n**timeout - make sure the task can be finished in time\n**dependencies/associations - would it be better to complete/work on other tasks first/in parallel?\n**mammoth - need analyzing and splitting up\n*''implementation''\n**use Treepad for the 'conveyor belt', use TiddlyWiki to precipitate conveyor belt items (so the conveyor belt isn't too loaded and unappetising)\nwork on everything. X x . !image\n\n!hosted on\n[[deviantART|]], [[Flickr|]]\n!description\nthis time the meccano man is trying out to be a model for a clothing catalogue. outpour\ndownpour\nrainbow\nshine\n\n(26/02/2004), *body\n**top-layer\n***hair\n***skin\n***subcutaneous fat\n***muscle\n**inner-layer\n***organs\n****organ structures\n***core muscles\n***skeleton\n**pervasive\n***circulatory system\n***lymphatic system\n***nervous system. !image\n
\n!hosted on\n[[deviantART|]], [[Flickr|]]\n!description\nit would appear that this is the main control panel for the swing bridge in Bristol, near St. Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol.\nI don't know if the swing bridge is ever used any more.
When the talk is entirely disconnected from the realm of qualia, then how does it serve the original purpose? the cloud makes the mountain look tiny. This is a recent film of his.\n*''Jacob's Ladder'' - been recommended to me several times now. As they say, the faster you get into the tunnel, the sooner you're out again!\n!See also\n*[[hitchcock|]] - an awesome short film extolling the virtues of Electric Petrol Cars, part of the inspiration for the Disposable Petrol car.
I am nowhere near them, so I won't speak much about them.
!image\n\n!hosted on\n[[Flickr|]]\n!description\nwho will win?
See [[Pythagoras]]. One of the first games I ever played. . Would be routed through the cues system.\n***Sensor logging - sensor activity logged for analysis.\n***Video - subject could be videoed for deeper analysis.\n!Things you could develop with the system\n*Peripheral vision\n*Directional hearing\n*Scene surveying (checking blind spots etc.
Interesting and funny and gory film.\n*''King Kong'' - monstrously long offering from Peter Jackson. !Saturday 7th January, 2006\n*Added documentation for the [[drum tab assistant]] in [[percussion]] and [[MyJavaScript]]. Not worth it for the reviews or ratings though.\n*''For daily consumption:''\n**[[Astronomy Picture of the Day|]] - nothing like a bit of perspective to start off the day.\n**[[The Rigpa Glimpse of the Day|]] - daily thought provoking nuggets from the Buddhist [[Tibetan Book of Living and Dying|]].\n**[[Meriam-Webster's Word Of The Day|]] - expand your vocabulary one word at a time.\n*''Good to keep an eye on:''\n**[[eHub|]] - list of website/applications representing the web2.0 revolution.\n**[[Pricelessware|]] - a source for the best in Windows freeware. I step in.
!introduction\nThe 'agent system' is a model for looking at the world, which provides a potentially useful, and open, framework for designing, describing or otherwise manipulating systems, models and concepts.\nIt a method that can be used in modelling the world.
I more or less stopped trying to record structured data, and instead relied on remembering it and remembering the relevant books to go to (both useful and important, but not replacement, skills).\nThen I found Treepad, and later TiddlyWiki.
For example, the methods for installing plugins and macros are findable, but not easily so, and I'm finding customizing the look of my ~TiddlyWiki more work than it's worth at the moment.\n*''Customisation:'' see above.\n*''Overview functions:'' at the moment, browsing a ~TiddlyWiki can be rather like wandering around in a maze. penny-farthing trials/stunt-riding: dressing up in victorian gear, with tweed pipe etc. It was written with exploring basic rhythms in mind, but I expect it could be used for other purposes as well, especially after I have developed it further.\n!The software\n*[[drum tab assistant|javascript/drumtab1.html]]\n!Using the software\n*Create a rhythm description in the first text area, using the example beat in the right hand display box for guidance if necessary.\n*Press 'go'\n*Copy the rhythm that appears in the output box on the bottom half of the page, and paste it somewhere convenient.\n(The 'compress' and 'uncompress' buttons aren't really that useful: they just format the rhythm description in a compressed or uncompressed way.
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