DISTRICT 1 -0 District Coordinator Engineering District 1-0 255 Elm St., Oil City, PA 16301 . - Selected as YC PAB POC; dedicated X hrs/pushed key information to parents--fueled activities f/XX program youth! I would recommend the Sponsor A Highway® Program to anyone looking for a deeper connection with their community and positive brand exposure.”. Stepped up for Airmen Against Drunk Driving; 17 lives saved--subverted potential DUI's, - Supported Airman Against Drunk Driving; vol'd 8 hrs/responded to 14 calls--zero alcohol related incidents, - Volunteered to assist Airmen Against Drunk Driving; guaranteed safe rides for 13 Seymour Johnson Airmen, - Spt'd air show; 12 hrs cooked/served food--200K patrons/improved AF relations/raised $2.6K toward sq booster club, - Devoted 46 hrs to Mather airshow; led 20 mbrs for parking set up/ parked more than 3,400 cars--raised $2k for sq b/c, - Vol'd 18 hrs ISO "Gunfighter Skies"; prepared/showcased F-15E capabilities--upheld AF image/viewed 60K attendees, - Highlighted the gunship msn; narrated in-flt demo of the AC-130W durring CAFB air show--enlightened 40K on-site, - Supported Wings over Wayne Air Show; cooked/served food/provided security--raised $4.5K funds for booster club, - AF Patriot!
Since 1990, Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful has offered an adoption program as a way for caring individuals and groups to “adopt” local areas they care about and help to keep them clean. Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful thanks over 300 adopters and thousands of volunteers for their commitment as well as municipalities across the state for their generous support of our adoption program. Volunteered 30 hrs for IT/US friendship festival--handpicked 2x by ldrshp for local incentive flt, - Committed 4 hrs to Wg Fall Festival; operated children's booth--boosted morale/QoL for 7K Amn/dependants, - Community ldr; active participant in Month of the Military Child Fair--devoted 4 hrs to event set-up/activities. The Department also provides trash bags and will pick-up the bagged litter from the roadside. We found that the program provided signage near our office locations for additional business exposure and brand awareness, but also gave us an opportunity to get involved in our community by keeping the highways clean.”, “When customers mention seeing our signs we feel that our involvement in the program has created a positive connection to the environment as well as the community and we believe that our customers now view our business in a more positive way because of it. PennDOT will provide access to safety training for volunteers as well as gloves, safety vests, trash bags, and, if requested, highway warning signs for use during litter pick-ups. Your signs will capture the attention of your current customers as well as hundreds of thousands of potential customers each day. Another organization that you can volunteer for is Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful.
Your business will continue to enhance its Corporate Social Responsibility making you a major leader in environmental awareness throughout the community in which you and your employees work and live. Pennsylvania Sponsor A Highway® Program. Apply to Adopt A Highway. In 2010, PA CleanWays (1990) and Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful (2003) merged to become the new Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful whose mission is empowering Pennsylvanians to make our communities clean and beautiful. Adopt a Highway/Community Cleanup - Community-minded; organized 2-week/8 mbr neighborhood/park clean-up tm--enhanced local community relations - Guided park hurricane clean up effort; led 5 tms/20 vols/60 hrs; elim'd 850lbs of trash/clear'd 5K sq ft of land Click here to view a step-by-step video of the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Adoption Program, Click here to fill out an online Adoption or Litter Free School Zone Cleanup Reporting Form. Some document(s) below require that you have installed the Adobe Reader, a free program that allows you to view portable document format (PDF) files right from your browser. A partnership with the Pennsylvania Sponsor A Highway® Program would mean that: © 2020 Adopt A Highway Maintenance Corporation®. If you do not have it already you can download directly from Adobe. Click here to find all the forms needed to help you with your adoption. “We initially inquired with Adopt A Highway Maintenance Corporation® about the Sponsor A Highway® Program to learn more about the benefits for our business. Collaboratively, thousands of miles of Pennsylvania roadway will be cleaned, and millions of pounds of litter will be removed. - MXS Unit Advisory Council President; organized/led; coordinated Squadron holiday party, - Assisted setup/teardown of Flt OIC's PCS celebration; event attended by +70 people--boosted esprit de corp, - Involved with squadron activities; volunteered for clean up detail for former commander's going away picnic, - Selfless volunteer; arranged food, events, & entertainment for 2700 military and family members for base family day, - Organized JBLE Spouse's Picnic; coor'd food prep/setup/tear down...provided base/cmty spt for 115 families, - Assisted w/2 Thanksgiving crew feeds; prep'd/serv'd meals/setup/breakdown...spt'd/fed 775 mil mbrs/families, - Wing AF Ball delegate; drove xxx sq ticket sales/raised >$2K--reduced jr enlisted ticket costs 50%/raised attendance, - Oversaw Sq summer fest; organized entertainment/seasonal festivities for SFS family--promoted unit esprit de corps, - Spearheaded dining in f/SAF/AQC 2-star; vision/senior mentorship imparted--stimulated development f/30 members, - Chaired 435th AGOW annual awards; orchestrated program event/design story boards/set-up--honored 24 nominees, - Top 3/JBSA AF Ball sub-cmte chair; led 23 NCOs f/$118K event/seated 50 DVs--honored AF tradition f/1.1K guests, - Displayed exceptional character/military bearing during two base level retreat ceremonies--upheld AF heritage, - Exceptional Airman; performed parade/funeral duties; recognized for achievement during honor guard rotation, - Devoted 4 hrs to AF Ball; assisted w/setup & tear down--exuded AF heritage/esprit de corps for 300 attendees, - Demonstrated leadership; selected for key position in change of command ceremony--commended for abilities, - Vol'd for 67th SOS change of command ceremony; coordinated PA for event--exemplified a positive AF image, - Asst'd setup/teardown of sq superintendent retirement ceremony; +50 attended--boosted esprit de corp, - Annual Awards Banquet committee mbr; prepared prgms/set up stage--honored Amn/event praised by MW/CC, - Chaired 1st sq CoC committee; directed set-up/tear-down, enforced protocol--upheld mil tradition/lauded by Gp/CC, - Supported a/c setup for 31AMXS/MXS dual Change of Command--stellar ceremony/fostered esprit de corps, - Teamed for 379 EMXG/CC going away; facilitated vols/produced memento--bolstered grp's morale/welfare, - Completed RAP in 1.4K sq mi area; briefed >1,100 applicants on experience/benefits--secured 122 DEP recruitments, - Selected for Wg CoC formation/acted as concierge; greeted 250 Amn/guests...exemplified AF heritage/values, - Proffered Sq CoC/2 promo ceremonies; revered 9 promotees/fostered esprit de corps...exuded prof excellence, - Escorted Gp CC & CC Chief; professionally delivered to ACFT for TDY downrange; enabled ldrshp HHQ visit to Turkey, - Provided acft tour to Gp CC staff; showcased C-17 capabilities; enhanced positive sq/gp working relationship, - Moderated AFCENT awards presentation; recognized seven top performers--team lauded by Major General, - Narrated officer retirement ceremony; imparted honor/dignity on 31 yr career--superior send-off for an AF ldr, - Hand-picked escort for POW/MIA remembrance ceremony; 100 attendees--role exemplified military tradition, - Led 2 Sq functions; 5 mbrs farewells; incourage moral for 50 mbrs in assisted in Sq annual Wingman Day, - Escorted 6 DVs, supported USAFE Change of Command & arranged regular visits to VA Hospital, - Volunteered to load baggage, operate step truck for POTUS entourage--showcased AMC professionalism, - Accomplished 16 hour CPR course; maintain 59 personnel trng--amplified trng quality/improved DET prgm, - Certified PTL/facilitated 215 fit sessions; motivated/paced 370 Amn base wide...key to Sq's 95% FA pass rate, - Lead CPR/AED course trainer; instructed 40 classes/100 hours...certified 225 mbrs/future PTLs across JBLE, - CMI Vol'd 6 hrs; discussed military careers with 50+ High School students--enthusiastically inspired future AF Amn, - Drug Demand Reduction observer; monitored 116 personnel/5 positive results--enforced AF zero tolerance policy, - Spt'd Alternatives to Violence Project; mentored 12 inmates--ensured successful reintegration process f/750 ppl, - Completed 40 hrs Air Force Master Resiliency Training; received SEI code--only 1 of 10 qualified in 51 FW, - Evaluated by QA; 2 personal evaluations, zero findings bolstered >98% pass rate; raised the bar, setting the standard, - FTAC instructor; led 3 resiliency-targeted courses/18hrs; inspired 36 Amn w/Comprehensive Amn Fitness principles, - Dplymt baggage detail POC; coord'd 22 vols/oversaw download 1.8k/50k lbs luggage/eqmt--expedited mbrs reunion, - Provided after-hours support; issued 1K+ consumable pieces worth $6.9M--contributed to mx 80% msn capable rate, - Obtained BLS instructor cert; org'd trng/eval'd 448 tasks/ran courses f/7 Sq/126 mbrs--boosted qual'd SF 95%, - Logistics Resource Mgmt crs instr; edu'd 12 Wg mbrs on risk prevention--fielded Cmd directive/fortified sfty, - Piloted FOD tm during HHQ staff visit; professionally insp ed veh s/prevented mishaps; lauded by USTRANSCOM CC.
What will I need to do? Volunteers must be at least eight years old, and participants under 18 must be accompanied by adults. A. DOPT-A-H. IGHWAY .
Sponsor A Highway is one of the least expensive forms of outdoor advertising. Additional signs can be purchased by the adopting group, if desired.
We provide businesses in Pennsylvania with a means to directly reach their customer base through roadside signage sponsorships.
Adopt-A-Highway & Keep PA Beautiful You can help to create a good first impression of Pennsylvania, and you can help spread the message that littering along our highways hurts our environment.
More Community Event Organization Examples... - Coord'd donations for base family in medical crisis; approx $2K supplies deliv'd over +2 mo--embodies camaraderie, - Devoted 32 hrs to "Mission of Mercy"; deliver'd 4.5K procedures/$1M in dental care--enriched QoL f/2.2K homeless, - Vol'd for Wreaths Across America/8 hrs; beautified 113 gravesites w/wreath...honored fallen vets at Arlington, - Supported Bethel Manor Spring Carnival; manned rides/games/8hrs...delight'd 200 kids/foster'd event success, - Devoted off duty time in support of base and local programs; active participant in neighborhood watch program, - Vol'd 12 hrs/multiple events; NOLA 5K run/American Legion BBQ--enhanced AF relations across Gulf Coast, - Selflessly vol'd for participation in Dodger opening day game US Flag ceremony; flawlessly represented USAF, - Supported Bossier City Goodwill; donated >$150 of clothing/household items--provided local community aid, - Community minded; donated furniture, clothes and cell phone to local women's shelter to help battered women, - Conducted ALS virtual ldrshp board; evaluated five members from Class 20-D--amn chose for AFSA PME top honor, - Mng'd COVID flt commissary supt prgrm; led 10 mbr tm/stocked 300 lbs essential staples--prov'd crit supt f/ 12K pers, - Booster Club president; organized 40 volunteers/10 morale events--helped raise $1.5k for Sq events/coined by Sq CC, - Vol'd as TESL instructor; coord'd w/3 wg agencies/organized 4 mo daily plan--support'd 24 coalition forces students, - Vol'd 4 hrs for MEC Sharkfest; assist d organization of venue/event--boosted MXS morale for 189 Airmen and civilians, - Asst'd CGOC w/Unaccomanied Amn Appreciation Day; raised $40/250 Amn--boosted morale/comrade/Wg CC #1 pri, - Led DM AFB Holiday Cookie Drive; mng'd 24 vols, 144 man-hrs, 9.6K goodies--spread morale to 800 dorm residents, - Aided Exceptional Family Member Program; cared for 8 spcl needs children/week long camp; enhanc'd community, - Volunteered 121 hrs/12 base events; $4.1K raised/106 LoAs...ultimate AF ambassador/3x Vol of the Qtr at sq/grp lvl, - Volunteered after hours ORE support; led 6 chalk bag drags and assisted prepping 14 pallets--seamless mobilization, - Led promo push for Drill Comp; produc'd/distribut'd fliers...ensured base-wide spt/boosted Amn/NCO morale, - Aided Trees for Troops Campaign; unload'd/sold trees/admin'd cust assistance...provid'd 275 trees to mil mbrs, - Team lead for internet café; procured 16 laptops/tables/chairs w/cost $1.5K less--QoL for single airmen increased, - Attended Green Dot Influencer course; gained reduction of violence knowledge/insight--enhanced leadership toolbox, - Panel mbr for 5/6 AOTQ board; graded 8 packages/8 hrs--cemented dual wg prof of arms recognition prgm f/6k Amn, - Uniform collection drive advocate; assembled mess dress garments/8hrs--donated to 15 Amn for AF Ball participation, - Active w/1st Sgts Assoc assistant; collaborated & processed base raffle ticket sales/10hrs--raised $800 for 2 AF orgs, - Vol'd at base Blood Drive; spent 2 hrs w/ teardown/cleanup--provided continuity of future drives/event exceeded goal, - Event Coordinator for sq booster club; attended mtgs for upcoming base events--fostered espirt de corps & morale, - A well rounded individual, supports/encourages participation in squadron and community activities; comp wingman, - Volunteered for "Trunk or Treat" event; coord'd haunted house/donated/distro'd candy--lauded by Sq CC "Amazing! Sponsors pay an annual fee to receive a logo sign, while our employees provide 100% of the highway litter removal.
Directed by Logan Marshall-Green.
- Assisted w/organizing Seymour Johnsons 1st ever Combat Dining In; strengthened wg camaraderie--Promote! Use our Feedback Form, Community & Economic Development Commission, 2020 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events, Fashion Re-View/Fairless Hills Produce/Boardwalk Sunsations Tanning, 2016 Year in Review: Falls Welcomes New Businesses, Moves Forward on Major Projects, Falls Township Business Directory Application, Neighborhood Traffic Advisory Committee (NTAC). C. OORDINATORS. You, your civic or volunteer group may sign a two-year program participation request with PennDOT to adopt a two-mile portion of state highway and promise to pick-up litter at least four times a year.
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